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Non-Ohmic Resistors

 Authors: Ms. Giselle dos Santos Castro - Federal University of Ceara - UFC
                   Dr. Nildo Loiola Dias - Federal University of Ceara - UFC


- Choose a lamp (resistor) from 6 possibilities.
- Choose an appropriate scale for alternating voltage on each voltmeter.
- Adjust the AC voltage source on the slider (0 to 350 VAC).
- Click REPLACE MULTIMETER 1 if voltmeter 1 burns out.
- Click REPLACE MULTIMETER 2 if voltmeter 2 burns out.
- Click on CHANGE LAMP if the lamp burns out.


This simulation allows the study of the alternating electric current as a function of alternating voltage applied to a resistor (filament of a light bulb). The electrical current can be determined by dividing the voltage across the ohmic resistor (placed on the right) divided by its nominal resistance (the value programmed in the simulation for the resistance may vary at each start within a tolerance of 5% of the nominal value). There are 6 different lamps. An AC voltage source can be regulated from 0 to 350 VAC. Multimeters 1 and 2 only work as voltmeters. If a multimeter is used to measure voltage values greater than the chosen scale allows, it may burn out (this is indicated by a blurred image); click on REPLACE MULTIMETER 1 or 2 (as applicable) if this happens. The lamps may burn out if subjected to a voltage higher than the nominal value (the lamp turns off and the filament disappears), click on CHANGE LAMP, if this happens.

For an analysis of the data, consult one of the proposed ACTIVITY GUIDE. 

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