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Free Fall

 Authors: Ms. Giselle dos Santos Castro - Federal University of Ceara - UFC
                   Dr. Nildo Loiola Dias - Federal University of Ceara - UFC


- Choose a gravity acceleration from 3 possibilities.
- Choose the body mass from 3 possibilities.
- A cursor lets you choose the free fall height.
- Press the “Show Ruler” button to get a graduated scale, which can be moved to measure the free fall height.
- Press the “Release” button to release the body into free fall and at the same time starts the stopwatch.
- Press the “Position” button to place the body in the starting position.


This simulation allows the study of free fall movement for heights of up to 100 cm, compatible with equipment normally used in physics teaching laboratories. There are 3 gravity acceleration options (Earth, Moon and Mars). The free fall height can be adjusted by moving a cursor and can be measured with a ruler. An automatic timer starts when the body is released and stops when the body touches the timer surface. Time is recorded in seconds to three decimal figures. There are 3 mass options for checking the influence of mass on fall time. The simulation presents a fluctuation in the fall time values to represent the experimental errors.

For an analysis of the data, consult one of the proposed ACTIVITY GUIDE. 

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