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Human Eye:
Vision Defects

 Authors: Ms. Giselle dos Santos Castro - Federal University of Ceara - UFC
                   Dr. Nildo Loiola Dias - Federal University of Ceara - UFC


- Choose an eye from 6 options.
- Click on the SHOW OBJECT button to show an object (arrow).
- Click on the NEAR OBJECT button to show an object (arrow next to the eye).
- Click on the FAR OBJECT button to show an object (arrow far from the eye).
- Choose a lens from 8 options to determine which lens corrects the chosen eye defect.


This simulation allows you to study vision defects (myopia and hyperopia) and their corrections. There are 6 eye options. The eyes in the simulation are either short-sighted (suffers from myopia) or farsighted (suffers from hyperopia). It is possible to place an object distant or close to the eye and observe the accommodation and formation of the image in the eye. There are 8 lens options; for each eye there is a lens that corrects the defect it presents.

For an analysis of the data, consult one of the proposed ACTIVITY GUIDE. 

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